50 research outputs found

    User models based on students' motivation, achievement. and problem-solving skills through learning orientations personalized learning environment

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    The need has arisen for the consideration of individual differences to be taken into account in order to allow learners to engage in and be responsible for their own learning. It is also desirable for learners to be able to acquire the following qualities, namely: to retain information for longer periods, to apply knowledge more effectively, to have positive attitudes towards their respective subjects, to have more interest in learning materials, to score higher grades, and to have higher motivation levels. Therefore, the Learning Orientations Model that covers individual intentions, emotions, social, and cognitive aspects is referred to in attempting to overcome problems involving fractions and motivation in learning fractions. For that reason, learning materials involving fractions are developed by referring to a preferred general learning environment, learning modules, and sequencing methods of each Learning Orientations Profile. In addition, the learning materials are delivered through animation of worked examples in a personalized learning website, called the Fractions Website. The website is developed with the integration of the following functions, namely: leam er-self interactive functions, leamer-leamer/instructor interactive functions, leamer-interface interactive functions, and learner-content interactive functions. As a result, the learning through the website was found to be able to improve students* achievements and problem-solving skills in fractions. Moreover, students have been found to be satisfied with, and enjoyed learning using the Fractions Website. Apart from that, Learning Orientations Profiles of some students are found to be not relatively static. Thus, the interactions on the Fractions Website are referred to for use in synthesizing user models for static and non-static Learning Orientations Profile learners

    Kekangan pelajar dalam mengikuti kursus penghasilan teknologi visual dan pandangan penggunaan aplikasi mobil

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    Kajian awal ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti masalah yang dihadapi oleh pelajar dalam kursus Penghasilan Teknologi Visual. Selain itu, kajian ini harus dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti pandangan pelajar terhadap penggunaan aplikasi mudah alih dalam kursus Penghasilan Teknologi Visual. Seramai 10 orang responden yang telah mengikuti kursus Penghasilan Teknologi Visual terlibat dalam soal selidik dan sesi temu bual

    Mobile learning application website for educators

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    PDA’s, mobile phone and smart phone are the example of personal mobile devices that is has the ability to provide educational content. Followed by the transactional distance theory is relevant to the template design in mobile learning application for education through a website. The idea suggested that the transactional distance includes the psychological rather than geographical distance among the educators and students which it is link to the balance of the dialogue, structure (course design), and autonomy of learner (Moore & Kearsley, 2005). This study addresses the suitable design patterns layout for mobile learning application based on the student preferences in the terms of navigation menu, learning contents view, searching method and sorting method, enhance a mobile learning application model and test. The objective of this research was to help the educators creating the mobile learning application through a website. The study of design patterns for mobile learning application template is, by analyze the student preferences with quantitative method survey. Generic design templates for mobile learning application will be develop with the ADDIE model concepts. A working prototype system website will be develop after the findings of the design patterns based on the preferences of students in UTMs' postgraduate master student will be discussed and evaluated

    Development and impact of english learning courseware eze to diploma students at KPM Bandar Penawar

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    Multimedia courseware is one of the media to improve the teaching and learning process. The principles of multimedia learning should be viewed as instructional methods with its primary goal to foster meaningful learning. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to design an English courseware based on Cognitive Theory Multimedia Learning approaches to help students nurture their knowledge on types of basic tenses .In addition, this study also evaluates the impact of using courseware in the teaching of basic tenses among the average diploma students. A quasi-experimental method will be used in this study. The study sample involves 80 students of semester 1 from KPM Bandar Penawar , Johor. The sample is divided into two groups, the experimental group and the control group. Each group consists of 40 students. To identify the effectiveness of the courseware, the patterns of students’ answers in both tests will be collected and analyzed through pre and post-tests in the evaluation phase. The questionnaire instrument will be used to investigate students’ and teachers’ perception towards the courseware. Also, in this research we will develop an English courseware for teaching basic tenses for KPM students. Hopefully, this courseware will motivate English teachers to develop their own courseware by designing, preparing content and delivering learning materials to assist students in understanding the concepts of learning English tenses using technology

    Kompetensi guru-guru bukan opsyen di daerah Kulaijaya dalam perlaksanaan kurikulum Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK)

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    Kementerian Pendidikan telah merangka Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025 untuk memperkenalkan asas Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK) dalam pendidikan. Pada 2014, mata pelajaran TMK telah diperkenalkan dalam Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) tahap dua. Kajian kuantitatif ini untuk bertujuan untuk mengkaji tahap kompetensi dari segi pengetahuan dan kemahiran TMK guru-guru bukan opsyen di daerah Kulaijaya, Johor serta sikap dan kesediaan mereka untuk mengajar mata pelajaran TMK di tahap dua sekolah rendah di daerah ini. Data diperolehi dengan menggunakan kaedah soal selidik di mana borang soal selidik terbahagi kepada tiga bahagian iaitu bahagian A, B dan C. Item soal selidik Bahagian A ialah soal selidik demografi yang dibina oleh penyelidik. Item Bahagian B pula adalah borang soal selidik asal daripada kajian yang dilakukan oleh Christensen (1997) iaitu Teachers’ Views of Technology and Teaching Scale (TVTT) manakala item bahagian C ialah borang yang telah diubah daripada Basic Technology Competencies for Educators Inventory (BTCEI). Seterusnya, pada Oktober hingga November 2015, data-data mentah dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statiscal Package For Scienses Sosial (SPSS) bagi mengetahui frekuensi, min, sisihan piawai, peratusan setiap item, dan korelasi. Pemilihan 52 orang peserta kajian adalah berdasarkan Jadual Krejcie dan Morgan (1970) bagi memilih guru bukan opsyen yang mengajar mata pelajaran Teknologi Maklumat & Komunikasi di daerah Kulaijaya

    Review on learning orientations

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    The need has arises towards the consideration of individual difference to let learners engage in and responsible for their own learning, retain information longer, apply the knowledge more effectively, have positive attitudes towards the subject, have more interest in learning materials, score higher and have high intrinsic motivation level. As regard to the importance of individual differences, Martinez (2000) has grounded a new theory, which is Intentional Learning Theory that covered individual aspects of cognitive, intention, social and emotion. This theory hypothesizes that the fundamental of understanding how individual learns, interact with an environment, performs, engages in learning, experiences learning, and assimilate and accommodate the new knowledge is by understanding individual’s fundamental emotions and intentions about how to use learning, why it is important, when the suitable time, and how it can accomplish personal goals and change. The intent of this theory is to focus on emotions and intentions of an individual regarding why, when and how learning goals are organized, processed, and achieved. In conclusion, Learning Orientations introduced by this theory describes the disposition of an individual in approaching, managing and achieving their learning intentionally and differently from others

    Kerangka konsep kemahiran proses sains asas prasekolah menerusi apps berdasarkan strategi pembelajaran kolaboratif dalam persekitaran autentik

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    Salah satu faktor utama yang menyebabkan proses pembelajaran bermakna tidak dapat dicapai dengan sepenuhnya oleh para pelajar samada diperingkat sekolah mahupun Institusi Pengajian bagi sesetengah pembelajaran kursus seperti sains dan matematik adalah salah fahaman konsep. Permasalahan yang sama turut berlaku pada peringkat prasekolah. Kesan daripada itu, wujud permasalahan dalam proses pembelajaran antaranya adalah kecenderungan sebahagian guru untuk menggunakan kaedah imaginasi dan andaian. Hal dilihat kurang membantu dalam pembentukan fahaman dalam diri pelajar untuk memahami sesuatu konsep sains dan seterusnya sukar mengaitkannya dengan kehidupan sebenar. Disamping itu, suasana pembelajaran yang menggalakkan para pelajar senantiasa berkolaborasi dalam proses pembelajaran serta saling bekerjasama dan berkongsi maklumat harus dididik dari peringkat prasekolah lagi. Selain itu, permasalahan dari segi penyediaan kemudahan ICT seperti pengaksesan kepada internet dan aplikasi teknologi multimedia yang kurang mampu disediakan oleh pihak sekolah turut menyukarkan para guru untuk merancang aktiviti pembelajaran yang lebih menarik sejajar dengan perkembangan teknologi hari ini. Justeru sebuah kajian perlu dilaksanakan bagi tujuan untuk merangka sebuah aktiviti pembelajaran yang mampu menyokong kepada peningkatan kefahaman pelajar terhadap pembelajaran mereka melalui sebuah persekitaran pembelajaran yang berdasarkan kepada situasi sebenar dan bermakna sekaligus memupuk pelajar agar senantiasa berkolaborasi dalam proses pembelajaran mereka sehingga mampu menyokong kepada pembentukan kemahiran proses sains asas pelajar. Berlandaskan kepada keperluan ini, maka kajian mengintegrasikan strategi pembelajaran kolaboratif dalam persekitaran autentik, dengan pengimplementasian bersama teknologi berkomputer iaitu melalui Apps Autentik Kolaboratif Skrin Sentuh Sains (AKSES) yang memberi penekanan serta mempraktiskan kemahiran proses sains asas pelajar (memerhati, mengelaskan dan berkomunikasi), dalam menyokong kepada peningkatan tahap kefahaman dan pencapaian pelajar

    The impact of using a mobile app on improving students’ creative thinking in business English writing with self-regulated learning

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    Creative thinking skills play an important role in Business English writing, but university students are not creative enough due to the overemphasis of knowledge input in traditional Business English writing classroom in mainland China. To solve this problem, this study involves in the mobile learning environment as the medium. By encouraging students to practice various self-regulated learning strategies while studying the learning content designed by referring to Zimmerman’s self-regulated learning model and Wen’s Production-Oriented Approach via the mobile App Superstar, this study aims to promote students’ creative thinking skills in Business English writing. Students reported increased self-regulated learning ability after the experiment. It is found that there is a significant positive relationship between online self-regulated learning and creative thinking and students’ creative thinking skills are significantly improved in post-test in Business English writing. Among all the nine self-regulated writing strategies, goal-oriented monitoring and evaluation, idea planning, and emotional control are the most important predictors of students’ creative thinking levels

    The mobile science laboratory (MSL): a systematic review

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    Experiments and hands-on activities encourage students to be active in knowledge construction. As students carried out experiments and activities, they explored science concepts and retain the knowledge. Currently, a low number of experiments are carried out because some schools are not equipped with updated experimental apparatus, while some schools’ laboratories are broken and they do not have enough experimental apparatus. Therefore, a systematic review was made to study the use of mobile science laboratory in previous studies and its need in Malaysia context. The findings show that teachers had developed their pedagogical skills and confidence in laboratory teaching instruction. The students gained conceptual understanding, retained science learning, increased interest in subject and experiment, and interest to choose career in STEM

    Conceptual framework of video learning based on POPBL

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    Demonstration method is often used in technical and vocational teaching. This has led to a longer period of teaching and learning (T&L) and is difficult to be repeated if the student missed it. In addition, the diversity of students' backgrounds affects how they think, insofar; influence their thinking skills and the knowledge exhibited. Therefore, the use of video in T&L is the latest alternative to allow students to see the process involved in practical and stimulate students' ability to engage in T&L. This should be added to the Competency-based Education (CBE) and Project Oriented Problem Based Learning (POPBL) because the concept of learning is appropriate for compentecy-based education as well as to establish the characteristics of the competencies required by employers. Therefore, this study was undertaken to identify the conceptual framework of video learning based on POPBL and CBE. This conceptual framework was built based on the analysis results of previous study and will be tested by experts for further research